On-Site Shredding Services in Georgia – Where to Place Your Shredding Bins
I understand that this may seem like an odd topic for a blog post on document security, but where you place your locked shredding bins in your office can be the difference between a document management program that works and one that is still susceptible to people hoping to gain unauthorized access to your sensitive and confidential documents. As you evaluate on-site shredding services in Georgia, make sure they’re looking at the layout of your office and the best place for you to have your locked shredding bins.
As you know by now, if you’ve contracted with one of the on-site shredding services in Georgia, they will normally give you several locked storage bins to place around your office. Either on a pre-planned schedule or on an as-needed basis, the on-site shredding service in GA will come to you place of work, collect all the locked shredding bins and proceed to shred them on-site with a mobile shredding vehicle. This allows one of your company representatives to view the entire destruction process, further ensuring your sensitive documents were destroyed completely.
Recently, I was reading a great book about corporate espionage and security titled “Confidential” by security professional John Nolan – it’s a good read. The book is mostly about how companies can elicit privileged information from unwitting employees, but there are a few sections that apply perfectly to document security questions. In one case, he discusses how a company employed a rigorous shredding program for all sensitive documents, but that next to the copy machine was located only a normal trash bin. Of course, every day, documents which were copied, but may have been copied poorly (too light, too dark, etc…) were placed in the trash bin and not the shredding bins. Nolan rightly points out that people seem to think that if a copied document is not good enough for distrobution, then it is not a security threat. How wrong of an assumption that is! Make sure to take a quick look at your own office and see if the same mistake is being made right now.
When you work with one of the good on-site shredding services in GA, then they will help ensure that you have your locked shredding bins placed in the appropriate areas. It’s common sense, but make sure all of your high volume document traffic places are covered – your copy area, you mail room and certain departments that are sure to produce a high volume of sensitive information such as legal and accounting.
Choosing one of the good on-site shredding services in Georgia is a great first step to ensuring your sensitive documents are kept safe – even ones that are only half copied!
Date Posted: August 4, 2011
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